People’s verdict

The counting today made for a nail-biting experience, with surprises and shocks all through.

But one aspect that clearly comes out is the fact that by and large people have chosen good candidates over parties, which is quite a positive sign.

The results have been a mixed bag, wherein some set targets have not been met, while in some cases parties have performed beyond expectations.

In a nutshell, the people have given an intelligent and well thought-out verdict, and not one based on emotions and favouritism.

Vijay Shekhar


Course correction

There are three welcome developments that have come out of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. One, we now have have a very strong Opposition that has been eluding us for a decade.

Two, we may have a BJP government that has the chance to benefit from a coalition arrangement.

Three, as a nation the electorate has attained a maturity that is getting scarcer in even established democracies elsewhere.

People have authoritatively pushed to the front issues that are at the very core of their concerns.

This will help the government in a course correction and a retuning of its policies.

R Narayanan

Navi Mumbai

Fractured mandate

The election results, which were to usher in Modi 3.0, were unexpected. The exaggerated and high pitch campaigns of the political parties have crashed and shocked both NDA and I.N.D.I.A alliances. UP shocked. Even opinion and exit polls lost credibility this time. The governance will undergo a change with focus on the economy, development agenda, industry and job creation. Several minor alliance partners have dissipated. There are several surprises in the defeat of stalwarts. Two assembly election wins of NDA in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh will majorly transform NDA politics.PM Modi faces tough challenges in his third term. Subsequent elections should abandon caste and religious agenda.

Vinod Johri

New Delhi

Shun pro-rich policies

The results points to clarity in voters’ mind. The winners need not feel elated and the losers need not feel deflated as the margins of victory and defeat were so slender.

Another message this election result gives is that people in general are not happy with the pro-rich policy that has been pursued in the last 10 years. There is a dire need to care for the middle class who cannot tighten their belts any further. Democracy survives better only in the presence of a strong opposition and absolute power given to any one party leads to authoritarian rule.

Irrespective of the party that forms the government it is all the more important to keep in mind that enriching the rich, sharpening the communal divide and misusing the government agencies should be done away with. Focusing on employment, taming inflation and bridging the gap between the haves and the haves-not are to be prioritised, to avoid social conflict.

AG Rajmohan
