Earlier this year, WhatsApp introduced the Chat Lock feature to enhance the security of private conversations. Yesterday, WhatsApp unveiled the ‘Secret Code’ function, providing an additional layer of protection for locked chats. This feature allows users to set a distinct password, separate from their phone unlock code, thereby reinforcing the privacy of sensitive conversations. “Rolling out secret code to Chat Lock on WhatsApp so you can protect your chats with a unique password,” says Mark Zuckerberg.
Users have the option to conceal the folder containing locked chats from the chat list, making them accessible only by entering the secret code in the search bar. Alternatively, if users prefer not to hide the folder, it can be left in the chat list. The process of locking a new chat is simplified – users can tap and hold on the desired chat without navigating into chat settings.
WhatsApp expressed satisfaction with the community’s positive response to ‘Chat Lock’ and anticipates that the introduction of ‘Secret Code’ will further enhance its utility. The feature is now available and will roll out globally in the coming months.

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